ABQ Regency Ball


The Albuquerque Regency Ball was started in 2007. The goal of this special event is to provide a lovely evening of dancing and fellowship for kids age 13-19. Dancers look forward to the opportunity to dress their best, dance with old and new acquaintances, and enjoy a beautifully presented light menu. 

Regency dancing, also known as English country dancing, was popular from the late 1600's through the 1800's. Dance instructors at the ball will guide the gentlemen and ladies on the dances, as well as give insight into the etiquette of the Regency period.

Respect, courtesy, modesty, and manners will be the rule of the ball.

To prepare for the ball, dancers are invited to watch videos of the dances and attend dance practices prior to the ball. In fact, attending the dance practices makes for a season of dancing instead of just one night. It is a great way to get acquainted with both the dancers and dances.

2025 ABQ Regency Ball

Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 5:30pm to 11pm at Legacy Church


We are implementing a lottery system for registration again this year!

Lottery Registration will open Monday, January 13 at 9:00am and close on Thursday, January 16 at 9:00 am. 

We will begin contacting people whose names are drawn starting on Thursday, January 16 at 1pm. Those people will then be given 48 hours to buy their tickets. Please check your email often because this is an ongoing process, and we will need you to purchase your tickets as quickly as possible after you are notified.  If you miss the deadline the ticket(s) will go to the next person on the list. 

If you are not chosen in the lottery, you will automatically added to the wait list.


[email protected]

Please direct all communications to the above email.  The PLANT team will not be able to answer any questions and we do not accept phone calls.  

Thank you!


Refund Policy

Refunds of $30.00 will be offered if we are notified before March 1, 2025.  No refunds after March 1, 2025.  No Refunds for Summer of Fall Ball.


Code of Conduct

 We already know you won’t have a problem with this, but we must say it:


Remain inside the building or designated areas during the dance. Follow the requests of the chaperones. Please do not bring any food or drink. Do not bring alcohol of any kind. Please do not smoke inside or outside the building. And, of course, leave any weapons at home.


Thank you. We know you will behave appropriately. 




How to Act

-Gentlemen ask ladies to dance. (They will accept:)

-Introduce yourself

-Dance with a new partner for each dance. 

-Escort your partner off the dance floor when the dance is over.

-Gentlemen are in high demand at the ball. Plan to dance all of the dances

What to wear

Most guys wear slacks and a button shirt and tie. Some wear suits, which is great. Here is the minimum:

1. Dress pants (no jeans)

2. Dress shirt and tie. You may wear a vest and/or a suit coat.

3. Wear comfortable dress shoes since you will be on your feet dancing most of the evening! 

You may dress in full regency style if you would like or just add a top hat to your modern attire if you wish. 




How to Act

-Wait for a young man to ask you to dance. Make sure you are approachable. (Girls may not ask boys to dance.)

-Say "yes" to him.

-Dance with a new partner for each dance.

-Please wait for all the gentlemen to have their partners before you join with another young lady for a dance.

What to wear

long dress with strap(s) is required. It must be at least ANKLE length. It must also be modest! 

1. No short dresses. Your dress must come down to your ankles. No sheer dresses that allow your legs or midriff to show through. IF your dress has a slit, the top of the slit must be below your knees. No high low dresses.

2. No plunging necklines. Your dress needs to have enough fabric on the front so no cleavage shows. If your dress shows some cleavage when you bend or move, alter it with added fabric or wear a camisole underneath. 

3. No backless or strapless dresses. No cutout dresses.

4. Wear comfortable dress shoes (not sneakers) since you will be on your feet dancing most of the evening!

Have your parents watch you spin, bend, and raise your arms in your dress. Are you still modest when you bend, raise your arms, and spin?


*Avoid a straight skirt so that the slit won't be an issue.

*Close-toed shoes are encouraged for safety. We have had some girls get their toes nailed into the floor by a high heel or stomped on by a guy’s very sturdy heel. Ouch! And you don’t want to go home early to sop up the blood. 

*You will have an opportunity to ask questions about these expectations at the dance practices. Feel free to bring a picture of your dress to show to one of the ladies in charge.

Keep in mind that you will be asked to leave the ball if the above dress requirements are not met. Please don't put us in this uncomfortable position! 

We don't want to send anyone home, but we will!!


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