Registration for this schedule starts on 12/20/2024 and ends on 01/17/2025
Participants must currently be 11 years and 11 months to 19 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/20/2024 and ends on 02/21/2025
Participants must currently be 11 years and 11 months to 19 years old.
Who: Mid and High Schoolers - bring a friend
Where: Escape in Time
1100 San Mateo Blvd. NE Ste 21, Albuquerque, NM, 87110
When: January 17, 2025, February 21, May 23
6:00 - 10:00pm
Cost: $10 for first student, $5 for each additional student from the same family. Max $25 / family when pre-registering online.
How to pay: Simply register for the dance as you would a class. You may pay cash at the door $10/person - no discount. Using your card at the door will result in additional processing fee.
Parents: There will be chaperones. If you'd like to help, reach out to Amber Howard 386-984-5763.
Dress Code: no shorter than mid thigh shorts / skirts, no mid drift showing, no low cut shirts. This will be enforced.
Escape in Time will be operating their ice cream bar. Bring money if you'd like to purchase. No outside food or drinks allowed.
Please contact Parent Led Academic Network Team, Inc. if you have any questions.